In Their Own Words Event – Booking Open

In Their Own Words Event – Booking Open

YPBMFs ‘In Their Own Words: Experiences & Insights from Care Experienced Young People’ is back for the 2nd year.  The event will be hosted by care experienced young people and will be held online, 9:30-11:15am on Friday, 14th July.

Care experienced young people from YPBMF will be highlighting key messages about 5 topics:  Protected Characteristic for people with care experience, Cost of Living, Transport, Care Leaver Hubs, and support for UASC young people.

The event will include the opportunity for attendees to discuss what’s been said and to make a pledge about what they can do to make a difference in their sphere of influence.

This event is aimed at Senior Policy and Decision Makers across government, local authorities and the third sector including MPs, Lead Members, DCSs, Policy Leads.

Download an invite Here. 

Book onto the “In Their Own Words” over on our Events Page 


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