National Care Leavers Benchmarking Forum Managers event 4th-6th December 2024.
On the 4th of December was my first official attendance of the National Care Leavers Benchmarking Forum Managers Event as a care leaver champion where I got to help organize the managers’ meeting and meet other members from all over the nation. I learnt a lot about how other counties did things and what differences there were and also got to meet many amazing young people and professionals who strive to make the system better for care leavers!
Wednesday the 4th
On Wednesday morning I did the smooth commute to Leeds and arrived in the afternoon where I then went to the hotel to the other members and a few past members who came to help. We went over what the plan was for the next day and got to speak about the differences of our local offer. After the briefing me and some other members walked around the beautiful city of Leeds where we visited the Christmas market and the library, which was beautiful, I would definitely recommend visiting it! We then had a lovely dinner together with some of the managers/ heads of service which was a nice end to the day.
Thursday 5th
On Thursday morning we all got up bright and early for breakfast and the briefing of the day. There were many people that came from all over the country including Terri Galloway who did a presentation on the benefits of his campaign about making a care leaver a protected characteristic and the benefits of it. After that we hosted our own session on stage which was interesting as we got to speak to the managers and get their thoughts and discuss different topics openly. We then went to another room to have a private discussion with Mark Riddell which was very insightful. After a long day we all had dinner and did a Christmas quiz with all the managers. After such a long day I actually went to bed quite early though I don’t think the managers did, which could be due to the complimentary wine and beer!
Friday 6th
We all had a brief meeting in the morning, and all left to get on the train home. Being at the event was such an amazing experience and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the new year!
YPBMF Champion – Angel Confiac
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