Safe & Affordable Homes: In Their Own Words Video

Safe & Affordable Homes: In Their Own Words Video

As part of In Their Own Words 2024, Harley and Esla share the findings from our survey with over 200 care experienced individuals – on the topic of Safe and Affordable Homes.  They share the key messages from the survey responses and what care experienced people tell us would make a difference at a local and national level:

This was one of five topics chosen as priority areas for action by the Young People’s Benchmarking Forum.

Read Dyllan’s Blog to find out more about the other topics, the event itself and to download the slides. 

YPBMF are currently collating short reports on the five topics which will be published in National Care Leavers Week, which starts on Monday, 28th October, this year.

Harley is a Sessional Worker for the National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum and Esla is a YPBMF Champion.

What will you do in response?

We want to know what you will pledge to do after hearing our key messages to share back with the care experienced individuals involved in In Their Own Words.  Please provide feedback and pledges  by complete this anonymous short survey once you have viewed our Key message videos.

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