The Alliance for Looked After Children & Care Leavers and care experienced young people from across the country are working together to share ideas, collaborate and co-ordinate some planned activities for this year’s National Care Leavers Week.
A working group from the Alliance have also agreed a call to action to draw together Care Experienced individuals, the organizations who support them and allies of the care experienced community with a common purpose.
“This National Care Leavers’ Week 2023, we’re calling on the public, professionals, carers, decision-makers, and the media to CARE”.
Celebrate care leavers/care experienced individuals.
Amplify their voices.
Raise awareness of challenges.
Encourage change in policy and practice.
This call to action is designed to create a unified approach to celebrating care leavers week, whilst allowing organizations, groups, and individuals to focus on the themes that are important to them.
We have created this summary of events, campaigns and activities taking place across the country.
Download the Event Summary – National Care Leavers Week – Summary of Events & Campaigns
Download the Logo, Signature Strip and Social Media images: Here
We encourage you to share this with care experienced young people and people working to support care experienced young people.