Victoria Odude, our YPBMF Steering Group Rep has taken part in Catch22’s podcast on the criminalisation of children and young people in care. She is interviewed here alongside Ben Twomey, Director of Communications at the National Youth Advocacy Services.
The podcast is full of insightful ideas about how to address this issue. It’s just 22 minutes long and a brilliant listen….
“Going into the places where young people live – foster carers, residential homes and having a worker to minimise missing episodes and exploitation – someone different from your social worker or in your circle and also thinking about the circumstances as to why that young person has been charged…. – Look into the background and the general character of the young person and not just what is written down.”
Victoria Odude, YPBMF Steering Group Rep
You can listen on Spotify:
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Please do share this podcast so we can these important messages out wider.
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