What is Young People’s Benchmarking Forum? (YPBMF)

We are the heart of the National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum (NLCBF). Our main aim is to ensure that the voices of care experienced young people are heard loud and clear, as well as to help shape the decisions and priorities of the forum. We want our forum to grow, and so we encourage all NLCBF local authority members to get as many of their young people involved with YPBMF as possible.

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Get Involved

We’d love to have you as part of our YPBMF Community. Check out different ways you can get involved and help us spread our message nationally, and make the voice of care experienced individuals louder.

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Get Support

Here are some of the organisations we work with who can offer support around a whole range of issues such as housing, mental health, getting a job.

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NLCBF illustration.

Young People's Hub

Want to find out what YPBMF have been up to? Visit the Young People’s Hub for our latest news, videos and podcasts.

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Opportunities to speak to Policy & Decision Makers

“YPBMF is a national forum where we try and make changes across the country and have links to government and try to make things as equal as possible whether they are from north, south or anywhere."

- Care Experienced Person, YPBMF Impact Plan 2022

Opportunities to speak to Policy & Decision Makers

What does the YPBMF do?

An image representing YPBMF events.


YPBMF Events give care experienced young people from the member local authorities the opportunity to network & share ideas with people from other local authorities. At these events, we'll also seek the views of young people about specific topics, to feed into our other events and influencing work.

An image representing YPBMF message.

Sharing Messages

Our Sessional workers & Champions (YPBMF volunteers) will host a session at each of our Practitioner & Managers events to communicate messages collated from the YPBMF events.

An image representing YPBMF influence.

National Influence

YPBMF members have regular opportunities to take part in consultations & meet with policy & decision makers about issues where the views of care experienced young people are being sought.