NLCBF & YPBMF Key Asks: Children’s Wellbeing & Schools Bill

NLCBF & YPBMF Key Asks: Children’s Wellbeing & Schools Bill

NLCBF welcomes the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill and its measures to improve the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.  We have compiled a short briefing with a number of recommendations that we believe would strengthen the bill further to better meet the needs of care experienced young people.

These recommendations have been developed to include:

  • Key messages & asks from YPBMF – through the In Their Own Words survey of over 200 care experienced individuals in May 2024 on areas YPBMF selected as priorities for action.
  • Key messages and asks from leaving care teams across NLCBF’s network of 133 leaving care team members.

NLCBF’s recommendations to strengthen the Bill: 

  1. Extension of corporate parenting duties to other government departments and public bodies
  2. Staying close: Entitlement beyond local authority assessment 
  3. National offer for care leavers 
  4. Entitlement for care leavers for Lifelong Links support 
  5. Dedicated care-experience aware mental health support for care leavers

Read the Full Briefing Here

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NLCBF & YPBMF Key Asks: Children’s Wellbeing & Schools Bill

NLCBF welcomes the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill and its measures to improve the s...

